Docker Images

The project produces three docker images to make both testing and general usage easier:

  1. elyra/yarn-spark
  2. elyra/enterprise-gateway-demo
  3. elyra/nb2kg

All images can be pulled from docker hub’s elyra organization and their docker files can be found in the github repository in the appropriate directory of etc/docker.

Local images can also be built via make docker-images.


The elyra/yarn-spark image is considered the base image upon which elyra/enterprise-gateway-demo is built. It consist of a Hadoop (YARN) installation that includes Spark, Java, Anaconda and various kernel installations.

The tag of this image reflects the version of Spark included in the image and we don’t anticipate the need to update this image regularly.

The primary use of this image is to quickly build elyra/enterprise-gateway images for testing and development purposes. To build a local image, run make docker-image-yarn-spark. Note: the tag for this image will still be :2.1.0 since elyra/enterprise-gateway-demo depends on this image/tag.

As of the 0.9.0 release, this image can be used to start a separate YARN cluster that, when combined with another instance of elyra/enterprise-gateway can better demonstrate remote kernel functionality.


Image elyra/enterprise-gateway-demo is the primary image produced by this repository. Built on elyra/yarn-spark, it also includes the various example kernelspecs contained in the repository.

By default, this container will start with enterprise gateway running as a service user named elyra. This user is enabled for sudo so that it can emulate other users where necessary. Other users included in this image are jovyan (the user common in most Jupyter-based images, with UID=1000 and GID=100), bob and alice (names commonly used in security-based examples).

We plan on producing one image per release to the enterprise-gateway-demo docker repo where the image’s tag reflects the corresponding release. Over time, we may integrate with docker hub to produce this image on every build - where the commit hash becomes the tag.

To build a local image, run make docker-image-enterprise-gateway-demo. Because this is a development build, the the tag for this image will be :dev.


Image elyra/nb2kg is a simple image built on jupyter/minimal-notebook along with the latest release of NB2KG. The image also sets some of the new variables that pertain to enterprise gateway (e.g., KG_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, KG_HTTP_USER, KERNEL_USERNAME, etc.).

To build a local image, run make docker-image-nb2kg. Because this is a development build, the tag for this image will be :dev.

Kubernetes Images

The following sections describe the docker images used within Kubernetes environments - all of which can be pulled from the Enterprise Gateway organization on dockerhub.


The primary image for Kubernetes support, elyra/enterprise-gateway contains the Enterprise Gateway server software and default kernelspec files. Its deployment is completely a function of the enterprise-gateway.yaml file

We recommend that a persistent volume be used so that the kernelspec files can be accessed outside of the container since we’ve found those to require post-deployment modifications from time to time.


Image elyra/kernel-py contains the IPython kernel. It is currently built on the spark-on-kubernetes image (kubespark/spark-driver-py:v2.2.0-kubernetes-0.5.0) and can be launched as a spark application or in vanilla mode depending on its kernelspecs attributes. We will likely introduce separate, non-spark, containers based on anaconda - so each kernelspec will likely be associated with different images.


Image elyra/kernel-tf-py is built on the Tensorflow image (tensorflow/tensorflow:1.9.0-py3) and is solely a vanilla kernel in the sense that it does not support Spark context creation. As noted in the image name, its language is Python and uses the IPython kernel within.


Image elyra/kernel-tf-gpu-py is built on the Tensorflow image (tensorflow/tensorflow:1.9.0-gpu-py3) and, like its sibling image, does not support Spark context creation. Unique to this image, on the other hand, is the fact that it can support GPUs. As noted in the image name, its language is Python and uses the IPython kernel within.


Image elyra/kernel-scala contains the Scala (Apache Toree) kernel and is currently build on the spark-on-kubernetes image (kubespark/spark-driver:v2.2.0-kubernetes-0.5.0). Since Toree is currently tied to Spark, creation of a vanilla mode Scala kernel is not high on our current set of priorities.


Image elyra/kernel-r contains the IRKernel and is currently built on the spark-on-kubernetes image (kubespark/spark-driver-r:v2.2.0-kubernetes-0.5.0). Like with elyra/kernel-py it can be launched in two modes depending on the need of a Spark context.